With life expectancy rising, more and more of us find we need assistance as we age or need assistance with an aging family member. Adult day care centers are designed for older adults who can no longer manage independently or who are isolated and lonely. They enable older adults to socialize with others while still receiving needed care services. At the same time, they allow caregivers to work or offer caregivers a break from caregiving duties while knowing that their loved one is safe and in good hands.
Adult day care is a planned program of activities designed to promote well-being through social and limited health-related services. Adult day care centers normally operate during daytime hours, Monday through Friday, in a safe, supportive, cheerful environment. Nutritious meals that accommodate special diets are typically included, along with snacks.
The intent of an adult day care center is primarily two-fold:
to provide older adults an opportunity to get out of the house and receive both mental and social stimulation; and
to give caregivers a much needed break in which to work, attend to personal needs, or simply to rest and relax.
Adult day care offers a win/win situation for everyone in the family. As mentioned, adult day care provides respite for the caregiver. For the participant, an adult day care center's benefits can be extensive, offering:
A safe, secure environment in which to spend the day.
Enjoyable and educational activities.
Improvement in mental and physical health.
Enhanced or maintained level of independence.
Socialization and peer support.
Nutritious meals and snacks.
Timely medication schedule.
And more!
Good Candidates for adult day care are older or disabled adults who:
Can benefit from the friendship and functional assistance a day care center offers.
May be physically or cognitively challenged but do not require 24-hour supervision such as an assisted living center or a nursing home.
Are in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease or dementia.
Are mobile, with the possible assistance of a cane, walker, or wheelchair.
As an older adult, it can be challenging to admit that you need help, especially if you've been highly independent your whole life or are used to caring for others. And, if you are a caregiver, it may be equally difficult to consider allowing "strangers" to care for your beloved family member. According to ElderCare Online, you should seriously consider using adult day care when an older adult:
Can no longer structure his or her own daily activities.
Is isolated.
Can't be safely left alone at home (may wander from home, forget to take their medicines, take too many medicines, forget to eat, etc.)
Lives with someone who works outside the home or who is frequently away from the home for other reasons, etc.
At Golden Horizons, we understand all of these difficult emotions and decisions and can help you through the challenging but rewarding road ahead. We have seen the vast changes in participants in just a short amount of time in adult day care and caregiver's relief of knowing that their loved one is safe, happy, and engaged at Golden Horizons. We are always here to help you along your journey - whether you have started with us or not.
Join Our Community! Call Today (919) 286-4489
Golden Horizons Adult Day Care 1106 Hillandale Rd, Suite C, Durham, NC 27705 (919) 286-4489