Financial hardship is something that anyone can face, regardless of income or background. It can literally happen to anyone in the blink of an eye. Excessive debt can be devastating financially as well as emotionally. In today’s economy, many people have suffered job loss, incurred credit card debt in order to meet their monthly obligations, or are buried in medical bills. Regardless of whether you are facing too much debt or just cannot keep up with your regular bills, there is a viable solution and you do not have to continue facing an overwhelming financial burden alone.
This is your opportunity for a fresh start. We understand that bankruptcy process might seem overwhelming, but with our help, we will guide you through the process towards a debt free future. We want to help relieve the stress and responsibility of paying off your debt. By filing a bankruptcy petition, you will put an immediate stop to collection activities from creditors.
Our office has successfully handled numerous bankruptcy cases, helping individuals overcome financial burdens and eliminate debts. We pride ourselves in being your dedicated and compassionate advocate, who will fight to help our clients get the new financial beginning that they deserve.
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Sweeney Law Firm 3475 Monroe Ave, Suite 101, Butte, MT 59701 (406) 782-9222