You Don't Have to Waste Your Money - Get It Fixed!
Our extensive experience and expert knowledge with hearing aids gives us the ability to do professional repairs on just about any hearing device, and make your malfunctioning hearing aid work like new again. We can fix your current hearing aid, so you won't have to be forced into buying a new one that you don't need, like many other shops do.
And for a limited time, you can get almost any hearing aid problem repaired by Sounds Good for only $99! So if you have a hearing device with a problem, call us as soon as possible to take advantage of this great deal while it is still available!
Get Your Hearing Air Repaired For As Low As $99!
Call Today! (309) 682-7697
Sounds Good Hearing Aids 4016 N Prospect Rd, Peoria, IL 61614 (309) 682-7697