There are so many reasons we may need a fresh start. Loss of a job, divorce or separation, unexpected medical bills, economic changes etc. The thought of a fresh start is exhilarating and often the hardest part is the first step. The first step for some could be to move to a new area, find a new job, draw on financial resources where it makes sense … For others, the first step could be the consideration of filing bankruptcy.
What is bankruptcy and why are there so many types and what does it mean for you?
That’s where Don Bell Law steps in. Don and his team specialize in de-mystifying the world of bankruptcy and will help you understand, in non-legal mumbo-jumbo terms, options to help mitigate or resolve your creditor debts.
The first consultation meeting is offered free-of-charge and will last approximately (1) hour. At this meeting, a variety of things will happen
- Discuss your financial situation and your desired outcome
- Evaluate suitability for type of bankruptcy
- Review general bankruptcy process, time frame and requirements